MST Program


SIRRI uses Multi-Sensory Training (MST) which is a proven clinical intervention that helps the brain learn or relearn multi-sensory processing…the brains first phase of all learning. All subsequent learning is built upon multi-sensory processing being on “autopilot”. mst, in part, accomplishes this via direct action on the individual’s autonomic nervous system.

MST provides the foundation for higher level (cortical) interventions. These include classroom instruction, vision therapy, speech therapy, cognitive therapy, mental health counseling, occupational therapy, tutoring, and any other top-down/cortical-based approaches that presume a solid base of sensory processing exists in the individual’s brain.

Using the EyeLux Integrations multi-sensory table system, MST involves simultaneous application of specific wavelength ranges of natural light (syntonics), vestibular stimulation (motion), auditory training, and somatosensory input. It is NOT a stand-alone intervention, but rather a powerful adjunct to the overall care of those suffering sensory processing dysfunctions often associated with concussion, general learning difficulties, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, autism, sleep disturbances, emotional dysregulation, long-haul COVID, and more.

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How it works

The Sensory Learning Program is a 30 day program that requires the first twelve days to be consecutive days in the office. During those 12 days using a computerized light instrument, a custom designed motion table & specially modulated music the client will receive re-training of the vision, balance & auditory systems.

In-Office Therapy Overview

Wondering what our in-office therapy looks like?  Here is what we do…

Auditory Retraining

After a listening profile is performed, the client will receive modulated music based on their individual needs. This is applied through headphones that the client wears while going through the program.

Visual Evoked Stimulus

Visual Evoked Stimulus using a custom designed computerized light instrument, the client will receive colors throughout the visual spectrum as follows: Magenta - Ruby - Red - Yellow Green - Blue Green - Violet The light pulses on & off slowly, about 6 times per minute. This helps restore the visual system's receptivity to each part of the visual color spectrum.

Vestibular Stimulation (balance)

Uses a custom designed motion table to deliver relaxing movement in a reclined position. Pediatrics/Adolescents - two 30 minute sessions daily separated by at least 3 hours for twelve consecutive days. Twenty four total sessions followed by an eighteen day home program with the portable light instrument. Adult - one 60 minute session daily for twelve consecutive days, followed by an eighteen day home program with the portable light instrument.

What our customers say...

Before going through the Sensory Learning Program I walked on eggshells around my son. I never knew if today was going to be an okay day or a difficult day. He was so unpredictable, when I heard about SIRRI I thought it can’t hurt. Within three days I knew this was going to be life-changing for all of us. After 30 days, I no longer walk on eggshells around my son. Our home is much more quiet and predictable thank you!
Age 4 - Sensory Processing Disorder


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Enhanced Natural Sensory Stimulation, delivered simultaneously, allows the brainstem area to learn or relearn Emergent Faculties (the efficient reception, processing and integration of incoming sensory information). This is a bottom-up approach to learning because the focus is on the subconscious re-education of the brainstem area rather than on higher cortical activity. Here, bottom-up refers to the fact that higher cortical activity such as memory and making decisions or comparisons is dependent upon the development, organization and functioning of the brainstem area. When the brainstem is inefficiently or ineffectively processing and integrating sensory inputs, higher cortical activity is automatically impaired. The Sensory Learning Program stimulates the brainstem area to integrate sensory experience as a whole, resulting in the ability to handle complex sensory activities and environments.

In the child with developmental delays, brainstem area organization receives the stimulation it needs to develop Emergent Faculties potential. In the individual of any age with an acquired brain injury, the Emergent Faculties, which have been impaired by the brain injury, are remediated. In the adult who is struggling with impaired executive function (the ability to reason, make sound judgements, and initiate, plan, and organize), higher cortical functioning improves as a result of improved subcortical (brainstem) area functioning. Research has shown that executive function problems are not localized in brain injury, but involve complex processes that include subcortical areas.

While on the surface, learning problem populations and the acquired brain injury population are different, but our brains are more alike than they are different. There is a common underlying element present in the form of mild brain dysfunctions. These dysfunctions affect the brainstem area and result in disorganized and disintegrated sensory information processing that affects learning ability, behavior and executive function regardless of age. The Sensory Learning Program works with this brainstem area by remediating Emergent Faculties.

Designed for individual participation, the Sensory Learning Program uses Enhanced Natural Sensory Stimulation consisting of an integrated, computer-controlled progression that stimulates a highly focused interplay between the participant’s ocular, auditory and vestibular sensory systems. This program retrains Emergent Faculties by stimulating the three main sensory systems to learn or relearn subconscious reception, processing and integration faculties. There are many important considerations that support combining multiple sensory stimulations into an integrated approach:

Developmental Dynamics: The sensory stimulation present in the Sensory Learning Program is the same nurturing stimulation present in the womb.

Fully Engaging: The participant is fully engaged and can not tune out the experience as is sometimes possible when a sensory stimulation is given stand-alone.

A More Gentle Experience: When multiple sensory stimulations are combined as in the Sensory Learning Program, the participant’s experience is actually more gentle. The participant finds this approach less overwhelming than their experience with a stand-alone stimulation when that approach is in an impaired area.

Supports the Deficited System: The combined ocular, auditory, vestibular sensory experience allows re-education of the participant’s deficited sensory system in a more relaxed manner because their stronger sensory systems are also engaged.

Accelerating Sensory Integration: Sensory Integration is about re-educating the brainstem area to integrate sensory messages. When Enhanced Natural Sensory Stimulation is used to stimulate the brainstem area with integrated sensory input, Sensory Integration is enhanced in a positive and accelerated manner.

Noncognitive Learning Experience: Because the Sensory Learning Program is a noncognitive remedial learning experience, the participant does not have to think or engage conscious cognitive processes. This fact alone makes it possible to offer it to children as young as 2 1/2 years and to populations that may have difficulty participating in learning activities requiring cognitive processes.

Benefits: The benefits of sensory stimulation emerge more quickly and consistently when the modalities are delivered as simultaneous multiple sensory stimulations in an enhanced integrated approach.

Sensory Integration is only one important aspect of the faculties included in the broadly defined category of Emergent Faculties.

The Sensory Learning Program is typically a one-time undertaking with resulting benefits continuing to improve as sensory functions strengthen with daily use.

The benefits of the Sensory Learning Program are significant on their own. But equally important, because the Sensory Learning Program works on the ground-level sensory perception where the process of learning begins, it often improves the effectiveness of other interventions that follow. Interactive Metronome and Neurofeedback often are the recommended next steps of therapy to build upon the benefits received from the Sensory Learning Program.